Long Time No See!

To whoever is reading this:
Congrats! You're still here and reading this random blog post for whatever reason. I know it's been a long time and honestly, I kinda forgot about this place for a while and when I did remember, I was having this internal struggle whether to keep this blog or not. But here I am, as of July the twentieth.

So if you remember, I put up a fanfic here ages ago, and you might have wondered what happened to it? Well, I did keep on writing it, but I tweaked some of the details and changed the MC's LI. I won't post it here, though. I want to post it once it's all finished. Which, in its current state, is not.

I don't know if I've talked about this before, but if I haven't, I live in Taiwan. I'm now living in Taipei, but I may just move to Kaoshiung if I pass this test (subjects in order: CHINESE, MATH, ENGLISH) that's coming up this Saturday.

Since I still have school on Friday, I'm taking the HSR that evening, but before that, I'm planning to just hang around the train station before my train leaves, which gives me like, an hour or so. What I want to do is to get The Infernal Devices. (I have read TMI before, it's just that I never had the time nor permission from my mother to get TID.) I'm really excited for it!!

It'll be one and a half hours on the train, so I think I will take some (hopefully aesthetic) pics, and I'll post them here later on (probably Saturday).

So yeah, that's what I'm doing this week. Btw, I'll also be putting some drabbles that I wrote in class(apologies to my English teacher whom I didn't pay attention to), and some which I wrote in the dead of the night while my brain wasn't functioning properly.

Now, I'll have to study up for the test, so bye for now~
