
  Ever since the world had started to exist, life had been booming. There were Titans, who in turn gave birth to the gods that we know as of today. The gods thrived, as did life around them, with the sun and moon circling daily around the Earth. The golden globe was driven by the Titan Helios, the silver disk by his twin sister Selene. All was well, as peace settled over the new day.

  "Hey, no, stop that!" A young Titan of forethought yelped as his crude creations of clay wriggled around, their limbs flailing around. They struggled in his grasp, trying to get free.

  It was a sudden thought that had struck the Titan's mind a month ago. The idea of it was so perfect in his mind, yet he didn't expect them to be so energetic, if one were to put it nicely.

  "Would you please stop this nonsense, " the Titan muttered under his breath. Of course, he had only spoken it out of annoyance, yet two of the clay figures seemed to hear him. They made some kind of gesture to the others who then lay limp in his grasp.

  These two deserve more, he chuckled as he started to carve delicate designs onto each of their faces.

  "Prometheus, " the King of the Gods boomed, his voice thundering through the Olympian throne room, "because of the crime of stealing fire for the humans, you are hereby sentenced to be chained on a rock on the Caucasus Mountains. An eagle shall be sent every day to pick your liver out, as you did our knowledge of fire."

  Hestia, goddess of the hearth and firstborn of her kind, spoke up, "Dear brother, won't you consider this for a moment? Just listen to his reasons once."

  All the other divinities in the room looked at Zeus expectantly.

  "Fine. State your reasons, Prometheus, son of Iapetus formerly of the West."

  "With fire, my lord Zeus, humans can make offerings and burn sacrifices. Arming them also arms us, giving us an extra source of power from their prayers, from their beliefs in us."

  Zeus' eyebrows furrowed in thought. The explanation should've been reasonable any day.

  But this day wasn't any day.

  "Chain the bastard up."
