Masterlist of Stories

Masterlist of Stories

(Including Individual Stories, Chapter Stories, and Fanfiction)

Personal favorites are tagged with a *

Individual Stories


We all know of the woman with the face that launched a thousand ships. But there is another, and this is what she has to tell us.


Helen Of Troy

The story of Helen and Paris is one that has been passed down through millennia, and sometimes, there are different variations of the true story that have branched out since. This is a reimagined short of Helen telling the story that she experienced from her point of view.


Icarus *

This is the story of the boy who dared to soar above the clouds.


The Cry of the Flowers

Echo, an oread of Mount Cithaeron falls deeply in love with the hunter Narcissus, but she can do nothing to save the man who was falling in love with himself.


Weave Me A Dream

There was once a normal girl from Lydia who possessed skills beyond the normal mortal. What is her name and what does she do? Her name is Arachne, and she weaves her thoughts into her fabrics.


Illicit Affairs

A love story older than Romeo and Juliet. One that defied the boundaries of love and hate, of life and death.


Blood & Tears Unsung *

The Titanomachythe battle between the Olympian gods, led by Zeus, and the Titans, who support Cronus.


Snowy Days - A Christmas Special

It's Christmas, and sometimes writers such as I can't get any inspiration to write; it's not my best work, but this is the work I get out when I have writer's block and don't know what to write about.

To Defy Fate

A story of two lovers torn apart, this story follows a young man and a young woman whose fates were never meant to be entwined.

she was fine

Miss Ilias was fine.


Personal favorites are tagged with a *

WIP stories are all currently on hiatus. Finished stories will not be further updated.

Chapter Stories

Rift (WIP)

Two souls. One fate. Infinite ties.

"Who are you?" Her voice was raised slightly in shock.

"I have known you since birth," he paused, letting the words sink in.

"I am your past, present, and future."


The Apple That Caught His Eye (WIP)

Taking place in the late Roman Republic, Hesperia, a girl of our time is tossed back into the past, and she must find a way to what she knows as home.


Lost Tales of The Forest (WIP)

Not all those who wander are lost.

Yet, not all those who wander aren't lost.


The Storm Keeper (WIP)

There will be chaos, and the world will burn.

Cassandra (Finished)

A twist on the myth of Cassandra of Troy, this story follows the prophetess of Apollo after the fall of Troy.

Et Tu, Brute (Finished) *

"Men at some time are masters of their fates. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlings."

― Gaius Cassius Longinus, Julius Caesar


Personal favorites are tagged with a *

WIP stories are all currently on hiatus. Finished stories will not be further updated.

Fanfiction - Reader Inserts

Sweeter Than Fiction (WIP) (Narnia fic) 

This is a work of fanfiction that will lead you, the reader, through the midst of a dark, war-ridden world to one of fantasy and magic.
