
目前顯示的是 7月, 2020的文章

Five Minutes Left

Five minutes left. Give me a person to hold on to. One that I can trust, one that will not stab me when I am at my weakest. Four minutes left. Shower me with happy thoughts, hopeful thoughts, thoughts that keep me bright through the dark. Three minutes left. Send me love. It doesn't even need to be romantic if you don't like it. Send me an abundance of love that can warm my heart from within. Two minutes left. Write me a song, one that sings of laughter and tears, of harmony and betrayal, of gain and loss. Write me a song that echoes the soul. One minute left. Bless me with a plethora of life. Because life is meaningful, and life is the thing that keeps us away from her counterpart, death. Life gives us meaning, and makes us who we are. What are we counting down for? How much time do we have left? No one knows the answer, except, perhaps, for fate herself. What do we do when life gives us lemons? We will squeeze it, yes. We will make lemonade. But we will also extract the seed

Back To Taipei!!!

So the transfer test is finally over, and the results will officially be released on the fourth of August. I'm a bit nervous about it, but at the same time I am really hoping to get the one spot that was open. I promised photos, so here are some pictures that I took on my train ride and also some from my dad's car when he drove me over to the high school hosting the exam:   On a completely different note, just three days ago was the tenth year of 1D!!! They put up this 10 YEARS OF 1D website , and it was really fun, albeit it making me a bit emotional. For those who haven't seen it yet, here's the link for it:  https://www.10yearsof1d.com/ As you scroll down, you have to heart the memories you like, then it'll put together a playlist for you. (on Spotify or iTunes) Here's the one I got:  https://open.spotify.


Was it worth it? All of the fights, all of the pain, all of the sorrow? Was it worth it, all of the blood spilled, the lives lost, and the cities that were felled to ashes? The war had ended with the Achaean's victory, yet the ones who called themselves heroes had derived from such names, plundering and raping and burning the once impenetrable Troy. Perhaps some of you will turn towards what happened after. Agamemnon , you say, his son had a happy ending, and his daughters, too. And you’re absolutely right. I do not deny the fact. Orestes and Electra and Chrysothemis do live on, and the Tantalean curse did not deprive them of the chance for a better life. But what of the fate of Agamemnon himself and the poor priestess Cassandra, who were murdered brutally by the hands of Clytemnestra and her lover? Oh, come on, you sigh and find another hero. Odysseus will do! You clap your hands, certain that he did live on well. How can you say that he had a sad ending? He lived, his wife lived

Helen Of Troy

Warning: May contain obscene language. The face that launched a thousand ships. That is how they know of me after so many years. They call me a faithless wife, an ignorant slut for following the damned prince of Troy, saying that I abandoned my husband and child for a whimsical romance that burned a city. They blame me for their killed men, their lost treasures. I know I am innocent. Still, after four millennia spent in the Fields of Punishment, nobody seems to acknowledge it. Paris, on the other hand, was much luckier. He was able to get into Elysium, with the help of Apollo, of course. Because if there wasn’t divine intervention, I am absolutely sure that he is supposed to be rotting beside me. My life, or rather, death, is pretty much simple. A manifestation of a spirit resembling Paris comes to murder me every day. But I’m already used to it. I don’t care that he killed my reputation as well as he kills this shade of mine every day. When I’m not being stabbed in the stomach, shot i

Long Time No See!

To whoever is reading this: Congrats! You're still here and reading this random blog post for whatever reason. I know it's been a long time and honestly, I kinda forgot about this place for a while and when I did  remember, I was having this internal struggle whether to keep this blog or not. But here I am, as of July the twentieth. So if you remember, I put up a fanfic here ages ago, and you might have wondered what happened to it ? Well, I did keep on writing it, but I tweaked some of the details and changed the MC's LI. I won't post it here, though. I want to post it once it's all finished. Which, in its current state, is not. I don't know if I've talked about this before, but if I haven't, I live in Taiwan. I'm now living in Taipei, but I may just move to Kaoshiung if I pass this test (subjects in order: CHINESE, MATH, ENGLISH) that's coming up this Saturday. Since I still have school on Friday, I'm taking the HSR that evening, but before