
目前顯示的是 9月, 2020的文章

New series coming up!

I have always been intrigued by the tales of faeries, so I've been planning/working on a series of shorts that may  not  bear the same storyline, though that still remains uncertain. The series will be called Lost Tales Of The Forest , and it will be on my WIP list soon. Current stories under work are A Feast Under Hollow Hill and A  Dance With The Devil.

Camilla Ⅰ

  The Ides of March, 44 BC The city was in chaos. The hero who had led the Republic into a greater era was assassinated. The man among the men themselves, who understood who the common people were and what the common people wanted, was now lying on the floor of the Theater of Pompey, blood pooling around his lifeless body as half of the Senate fled the meeting, the other half staring at him with knives in their hands, dripping dark red liquids. The ones who are now angry and yelling and screaming in the streets are livid at the men who hold their knives. But inside the protection of the building, the men are happy and satisfied. They know naught of what the people outside think. They have rid the possibility of a ruthless monarchy to their homeland. They have freed the people from the clutches of a dictatorship, and they call themselves the Liberators. Camilla slipped silently behind her companion, under the cover of the dark night. It had been exactly seven day

WhY nO uPdAtEs?????

Why the hell are there no updates?! It's already been a whole frickin' week already! I'm sure that devoted supporters of this blog have a lot of questions, and I'm here to answer them. 1. Why didn't you update this week? I had a lot of tests this week, plus, I also have to practice archery, which takes up nearly the whole of my Wednesday (after school hours, of course). 2.   When will you update next (Drabbles)? I don't know when exactly, but I am certain that it will not be today, nor will it be tomorrow. However, there is a chance I can get the next story out by Sunday. 3. Rift has been put on hold for quite a while, when will the next part come out? Will it be the next update? I have already finished the next part of Rift (it will be called Camilla if you haven't been to the story's page before). All I have to do is update it, which I will do later tonight. Also, I've already started working on the chapter after that, but it's coming a bit sl


I can't find my flash drive anywhere and it's killing me! I was going to take it out but then it wasn't in my pencil case! Imma try and find it now. I'll update later. Search update: It's not on my desk or in my bag. I think I left it in the computer classroom. I'm freaking out on the inside, since everything I have is now there, including all my stories (yes, this is how severe it is) Update #2: Thank the gods I found the USB!! I jist went to the computer room and got it back.

Weave Me A Dream

In the bustle of the city called Colophon, there lived a common-born girl with common-born parents from a common family. She didn’t wield the powers of a demigoddess, she didn’t bear the privileges of a princess, and she definitely didn’t have the heart of a handsome hero. What she did have though, was a talent for weaving that could rival with Athena herself. The girl didn’t let it go to waste; day in and day out she wove, from simple dull-colored chitons to magnificent tapestries that glimmered with the sparks of life. With her gifts she brought joy to herself and for her townsfolk. Arachne walked through the streets, a pile of blankets towering upwards in her arms. At every home she passed, she made sure to leave one of her blankets at their door. Arachne did this once every year, since she had extra cloth to spare while some of her fellow people didn’t. The blankets were made from leftover cloth, but Arachne had tried her best to stitch them up together so that it would look at lea

First Archery Lesson!!

Just yesterday, I had my first archery lesson! It was totally awesome, and even though I had the poorest aim ever, it was fun. Here's something I want to say as a person who had just started using a real bow in real life to all those who haven't learned it before: 1. Nocking an arrow takes up time when you do it the first time. It is a bit time consuming for the first couple times. 2. Aiming is hard. It takes a lot of practice before you become Legolas and can shoot multiple arrows while sliding down a staircase killing orcs on a shield. Also, I've just finished Weave Me A Dream this afternoon, so I'll probably update it later. (I'm kind of procrastinating now, tbh.) P. S. My left arm still hurts from holding the bow, but I don't know whyyyyyy

The Cry of the Flowers

Echo touches her throat, her fingers gently skimming over the skin. It burns so much, after all of the yelling and screaming. All of the yelling and screaming that was silent, no matter how hard she tried. The yelling and screaming that pierced her own heart into countless, shattered pieces. All that the nymph did was to keep her friend’s secret. Yet, why? Why did the queen of the gods curse her, instead of them ? Now she can only repeat the words of others, and she peeks at the gorgeous man that had captured her heart from behind a tree, wondering if she has any way of communicating with him, much less a way of letting him know of her existence. ~ Nemesis crouches in the shadows, her feathers ruffling impatiently. This Narcissus, this beast that called himself a man, this monster that dared call himself a gorgeous man. The goddess of revenge let a black wisp slip from the crevices of her clenched fists, and it twirls through the air, ribbon-like, graceful before it disappears in

New Laptop!!

Heya my fellows! Guess what? I've got a new laptop!! It's super awesome, and I want to show it to you guys: It's pretty cool, and it's also super fast compared to my last one *squeals* I'm gonna use it mainly for programming, since I want to learn C# this year, and also, it's what I'll use to update my stories on the blog~ I've fully planned out The Cry of the Flowers and Camilla, so they will be written down and published within the next couple of days, assuming that I don't procrastinate. On an entirely different but really exciting note, I've started reading The Infernal Devices ! I had read The Mortal Instruments a couple years back, but I didn't really get the chance to read TID, so here I am! I finished Clockwork Angel just yesterday, and I'm going to start Clockwork Prince as soon as I can once I'm done with homework. (Btw, I absolutely adore  the covers~) See ya! Cindy out~

Archery Class!!!

I'm getting archery classes from now every Wednesday! This means that I can finally write at least readable (I hope) archery scenes. So yeah, there's nothing new today. (Isn't it so awesome? I'm gonna become Greenleaf Greenleaf!!) Also, my laptop is getting a Windows 10 update(it was still on Vista), so I can't upload my stories for a couple of days.The Cry Of The Flowers will be posted as soon as possible, so I would really appreciate it if all of you lovelies take a look at it sometimes, and also if you would request in the comments section of the request page!! Also, I'm also looking forward to finishing the  Camilla part of Rift~ Cindy out~ Edit 2020/9/11: So apparently the archery classes weren't open yet (it starts next week), and my laptop is apparently too old for a Win 10 installation. However, I think that I might get a new laptop? If it happens, I'll post another post on that.

Lysistrate Ⅱ

She has had the golden mark ever since she was born. A long time ago, she had asked her mother why. She did not get an answer, but instead was given a bracelet to wear around her wrist, to cover up the mark. She was never told why, nor did she ask again. She had assumed it was a curse only she bore. Yet here, standing in front of her, was a young man with the exact replica of her mark. "Why?" She asks first, "Why isn't yours covered up?" "Why should it be? You don't have yours covered, too." "I did," Lysistrate seethes, her hand tightening on her knife, "I gave it to a little girl whose whole family was murdered by  your  people."


A gorgeous girl running into Stelios would've been fine on any other day, if the world was not burning and masses of people dying. It was  not  what he had signed up for when he snuck on to the mysterious ship with a bunch of warriors heading for what had seemed like nowhere to his eight-year-old self. The aforementioned girl lands on top of him, then rolls herself off his body before sprinting back to wherever she was going. Stelios rubs his wrist, where it sores. It is no big deal, but he still draws his thumb over the golden circle imprinted into his skin. It was what made him special, and he makes it special, too. Stelios does not want to, but he has to move on, despite the urge to lie there on the ground. He has followed the tugging of his heart ever since he volunteered to hide inside the wooden horse, and he will again follow the ever increasing pull upon his heart that calls him to the girl. Stelios pulls himself up despite the pain and follows her.

Lysistrate Ⅰ

The 10 th  and final year of the Trojan War. The once impregnable city of Troy was burning. The men were dying, the women were wailing, but both could not drown out the screams of the young. The city was in chaos, save for a lone girl that prayed upon the altar of the Artemis. Lysistrate had been a priestess serving the hunter goddess's twin brother, but despite all efforts, the temple had been lost. She presses her forehead at the foot of statue of the goddess, murmuring her last prayers for what she believes to be in a long while. She shoots a fleeting look at the altar, rushing out of the temple before the storm hits.


  Ever since the world had started to exist, life had been booming. There were Titans, who in turn gave birth to the gods that we know as of today. The gods thrived, as did life around them, with the sun and moon circling daily around the Earth. The golden globe was driven by the Titan Helios, the silver disk by his twin sister Selene. All was well, as peace settled over the new day.

Prologue - Before The Beginning

        There was nothing in the beginning.


Hey everyone reading this!!! I'm the author of this story, and this is my first time writing a story on Quotev (it was for meant for the people on Quotev, so yeah, this is probably kind of awkward for you), and English isn't my first language, so the story might be really bad~ Warning: Since I'm mostly writing the story mostly on my phone, the chapters will be incredibly short. Plus, updates will be random. Lastly, I hope you guys enjoy the story!!

Fallen Warriors

And that was how she had ended up serving by Octavia’s side for three months now. She had expected herself to experience the wonders of ancient Rome, but now she was stuck in the villa most of the time, tending to Octavian’s brother as her handmaiden. But it wasn’t a bad thing, Hesperia supposed. Octavia was nice enough, and always treated Hesperia like she was her older sister. Hesperia opens her eyes to another ordinary day, the sky still gray and the birds still asleep. She stumbles clumsily out of her little niche which she had claimed by Octavia’s door, which Arcas, a fellow slave had found her. She treads the floor silently, and it is not long before the halls of the house are full of other slaves milling around. All of them keep silent, not to wake the masters still in bed; they have yet to prepare the first meal of the day before their attendants would need to wake them up. - Being tasked as the personal attendant of the lady Octavia herself, Hesperia heads towards a small pri

Rising Army

As Hesperia ran, she made sure to step into as many puddles as possible, making as much pandemonium as she could while leading the two legionnaires away from Marcia. She swept her arms out, Of course, Hesperia wasn’t a fast runner, nor was she a trained soldier like those who were chasing her, so it was only less than half a minute that she was tackled to the ground. Hesperia struggled to kick the man who now straddled her, pushing her into the ground. Whipping out a knife, he pressed it against her neck, leaning in to whisper in her ear, “Don’t you dare move, girl. You’re overpowered.” Hesperia identified the man as Scipio, “Now, just do as we say, and we won’t paint this ground with your blood for now, won’t we, Tiberius?” The other watched her warily as she was let up, “Yes, Scipio, we won’t. For now .” - The eyes that stared into Hesperia’s own reminded her of the black coffee that her mother used to have every morning. “I’m sorry, Hesperia. But I had to do this.” “For what?” Hespe

Missing Boy

“How long have you been crouching there?” Hesperia sprung up, crashing into Marcus as he was peering over her shoulder. The girl had drawn in the dirt a rough map of the city of Rome. “None of your business,” Hesperia ignored the boy as he followed her, tugging lightly at her elbow, “I said, it’s none of your business! Leave me alone, and don’t ever find me again.” “Come on, tell me what’s wrong. It’s about the house on fire, isn’t it?” Hesperia stopped in her tracks, and swiveled around. “Don’t you dare mention that again,” her voice was low, yet it shook ever so slightly, as she took a deep breath, “If you value you and your family’s lives.” Marcus took a step back. This was unlike the girl who had agreed to help him steal the bread. - It was not before long Marcus was standing in front of the villa he had snuck in roughly a week ago. He could feel a bitter pool of guilt churning inside his stomach, yes. But he raised his fist nevertheless, pounding twice upon the wooden door. - Ever

Stolen Words

It had already been two days before the people of the house finally knew that the fire that burned a massive hole through their back door was not a work of nature, but lit up by someone. On her way from the city square, Hesperia saw the slaves of the house by the command of their masters, taking in people randomly to their villa, very possibly interrogating them on the subject of the fire. Hesperia pulled her satchel closer to her, clutching it tightly, the fifteen silver little coins rattling inside as she walked faster. Thankfully, she didn't have her cloak on her today, so there was a chance that the people didn't recognize her, if they had even noticed her the day before yesterday.   “Marcus! Where are you?” Hesperia whisper-shouted as she carefully scooted past the boy’s third younger brother, a mere toddler of one and a half years struggling to walk. Marcus’ twin sister Marcia, who was also sixteen, rushed past the girl and swiped Phoebus into her arms. “Hesperia! It’s so

New Page!!!

Before, there was the request page... Now, the WIPs Page  has been revealed!!! *insert loud gasp here* Yes, from now on, readers and followers can now check the WIPs page for upcoming stories. WIPs here stands for Works In Progress , and the name stands for what it is. I will post which works are currently under progress or going through editing, and also the works I am absolutely certain that I will write. Requests will also be listed there~ Cindy out~


Daedalus regretted the day he escaped out of the maze. He remembered the excitement that had filled his head, thoughts of freedom and so much more; the giddiness he had saw in his son as Icarus spread his arms wide and ran around and around his workshop, pretending to fly. Icarus wasn’t wrong. They were about to fly, just after the sun came up so that they could see through the daylight. Daedalus regretted sealing their man-made wings of feathers with hot wax onto their backs. There were probably a few miscalculated drops that burned against their skin, but who would’ve cared if they were going to be the first pair of men to fly amongst the birds? Daedalus regretted not seeing it soon enough, the way his son always veered ever so slightly upwards; Daedalus regretted not telling him exactly why not to fly upwards. And as a loud cry of laughter escaped Icarus’ lips, down, down, down he fell under the sea, out of Daedalus’ sights.   ~ Icarus does not regret playing childish before he took

Concerning "The Apple That Caught His Eye"

If you're a person who has somehow been following my updates, you might notice that The Apple That Caught His Eye has not been updated in forever. No, it's not because that I forgot to. I have already finished some of the next chapters, it's just that I haven't uploaded them(yet). I had wanted to publish it as a normal book at first, but then now it just seems unlikely, since I like to post my stories here, so I'll update the story before tomorrow if I'm able to. However, I won't continue the rest that I haven't written right now nor for a long period of time, because I haven't seen the show for a while now, and I'm afraid I won't for a long time. I'll put it on hiatus for a year or two, and then when the time comes, we'll see what happens. As for my other stories, I will continue them, so no worries. There's one that I hope to get out by this weekend, which will be called Icarus . Have a good day my good friends, and goodbye~ Cin